5 perros famosos

The 5 most famous dogs in history

If we open the question: What are the 5 most famous dogs in history? Surely the answer would have very different names depending on each one of us.

In fact, many of the names we would give if we put this question in a group of friends, would belong to dogs of fiction that only exist on paper or on the screen, product of the pencil of its creators.

For example, the well-known Snoopy, Snowy, Scooby-Doo, Idefix, Rantanplan, Odie or Krypto have come to us thanks to the expertise of their cartoonists and scriptwriters.

We could also find a good assortment of names in that large group that populates the extensive catalog of the Disney factory, as Lady and Tramp of the movie The Lady and the Tramp, Toby from Tod and Toby, or any of the puppies with spots of 101 Dalmatians

However, in this article we will only talk about dogs that existed in real life and that, according to our criteria, would be part of the list of the 5 most famous dogs in history. These would be:

  1. LAIKA. The Soviet space dog that in 1957 became the first living being to orbit the Earth. Unfortunately, he died in his first and only mission aboard Sputnik 2. In Spain, the pop band Mecano paid its particular tribute through a song: MECANO: Laika, back in 1988 and since 2014, in Spanish Television offers a program of popular science that also bears his name: Órbita Laika.



  1. BALTO. This Siberian husky is considered a hero in the United States because he was recognized as the courage to lead a convoy of sleds for more than 1,000 kilometers through the arid polar areas of Alaska. The shipment was of vital importance: a serum that would save children under 5 from the small town of Nome, suffering from a deadly diphtheria epidemic. It appeared on the front pages of newspapers around the world in 1925, and at the end of that year, a statue, the work of FG Roth, was erected in Central Park in New York with the inscription: “Resistance – Fidelity – Intelligence”.

  1. RIN TIN TIN. This German shepherd became famous in Hollywood during the 20s because he played roles in a total of 27 silent films. In 1929 he even received several votes to be the winner of an Oscar, however the Academy determined that only a human should win it. It has its imprint on the Hollywood Boulevard Walk of Fame. He died in 1932. His success as an actor, would open the way for other famous canines like Lassie, or more currently the well-known Commissioner Rex.

  1. HACHIKO. His fame also came to the cinema in the hands of a film starring Richard Gere in 2009. The story of Hachiko went around the world because he waited for his owner for 9 years at the train station in Shibuya (Japan) as was his custom, even after he died teaching his classes at the University of Tokyo. In April 1934, a bronze statue was erected in his honor at the same station, and Hachiko himself was present the day it was inaugurated.

  1. BECERRILLO. Probably this fifth place was stolen from Sargent Stubby, a hero of the First World War, but he preferred to talk about a dog of Spanish descent like Becerrillo. Becerrillo was a battle warrior who accompanied the Spanish troops in their conquest of America. The legends tell about of his ability to drag the indigenous enemies to the positions of his army without much violence, also of the ability to know how to understand orders given in any language. Thanks to his excellent services, he was able to obtain rations of food greater than those of the infants and a salary equivalent to that of a crossbowman. His son, Leoncico, continued the success of the father in the colonization of America.

Will we get our TOBY to be part of this distinguished list in the future?
We put our effort daily to achieve it. We are already the first PET FRIENDLY restaurant in Seville and one of the few in Spain and the world.

We are visited daily by clients from all over the globe looking for the TOBY eats the world experience and we love it. If you have not visit us yet, come and live with us and do not let them tell you.

See you soon!